How to run the chiller most efficiently?
We recommend running the chiller 24/7. To do this you set your target temp and then use the f1 settings to set your range. Eg you set target temp for 3c and then f1 for 3. This means the chiller will cool down to 3c and then idle (the compressor turns off but water flow continues) with f1 set for 3 your chiller will then kick back in at 6c.Â
The temperature settings explained (using the f settings)
F0: Cooling or heating, please choose cooling
F1:3 degree.
Temperature difference.When the chiller hits the target tempt, it will idle between your range. For example, The target temp is 10, when the chiller cool to 10 Degree it will idle and when the water goes up to 13 it will work again.
F2: 40 degree.
Warning of high temperature. If the temperature in the chiller is higher than this, the chiller will not work.
F3: 0 degree.
Warning of low temperature if water temperature lower than this it will not work.
F4: Temperature compensation. The factory default is zero.Â
It only needs to be adjusted when the actual water temperature in the tub is inconsistent with the current water temperature displayed on the screen. Eg if the temperature on the screen is showing 5 but the actual water temperature is 3 then F4 should be set to -2c
F5: 3.
Delay protection set 3. It means after your start the chiller, it will work after 3 mins, it can protect the chiller from big Amperage damage.Â
F6: C or F(Celsius or Fahrenheit) You choose C